Chambers and Partners is an independent research company operating across 200 jurisdictions delivering detailed rankings and insight into the world's leading lawyers.
Schneider Smeltz Spieth Bell LLP is honored to have three of our attorneys ranked in Chambers High Net Worth: Charles Adler, Elizabeth Monihan and Jennifer Savage.
Charles Adler is an expert on trusts and estates matters. He advises business owners and affluent families on estate planning and business succession planning issues. One source says he is "knowledgeable and good with clients," and another describes him as "very intelligent" with "good people skills."
Elizabeth Monihan is described as a "highly regarded practitioner" who is "very respected by her clients." "She is a thoughtful, considered planner," says one source, adding: "She is knowledgeable in the area, but she is also a good counsellor to her clients and develops longstanding relationships. She is very bright and has a broad skill set." Another says Monihan "is very intelligent, has good judgement and is good with people."
Jennifer Savage "has a high-level practice and is doing sophisticated planning for her clients," reports one source, who adds: "She is a strong advocate for her clients. She has a very good head on her shoulders and is very determined." She regularly handles complex estate planning matters for high net worth clients. Another interviewee describes her as a "fierce advocate" who is "very knowledgeable," "very thoughtful and smart."